Where Can I Find Local Homeless Feeding


Feeding Pets of the Homeless® is the first and one of the few national nonprofits providing pet food and emergency veterinary care to pets that belong to homeless people.


We believe every pet deserves not to be hungry or suffer from an illness or injury.  If you are homeless, or a Veteran, and need help  caring for your pet, we can help.

A homeless man living in a tent by the river called seeking medical assistance for his companion Deimos, a 9-month old mix. He has been homeless for about a year. Deimos was experiencing weight loss, vomiting, lethargy and shaking of the head for three to four days, and it was difficult to wake up Deimos. We got an exam approved for Deimos with a close by Partner Veterinary Hospital. They got Deimos in super-fast. Once bloodwork and x-rays were performed, they were fast to give Deimos the correct medications and got him feeling better! Deimos' owner thanked us numerous times for saving his best friend!

A man residing in a homeless shelter in Denver, CO has been homeless for four months. He is a disabled Veteran that receives SSI and food stamps. He reached out to Feeding Pets of the Homeless for his 2-year-old male Pitbull named Kechi. The dog had been seen at the ER the day before and was diagnosed with an intestinal blockage. An intake was completed by a case manager and homeless verification was provided by a shelter manager. Kechi was moved to another hospital to complete the surgery for a more reasonable cost. During surgery Kechi was very ill and the vet thought that they may need to euthanize him while on the operating table, but he was a fighter and did great. Kechi recovered overnight in the hospital and was returned back to his owner the next day.





given in veterinary care, pet food & crates

1,731,331 Lbs

pet food collected


donation sites nationwide

Find a Pet Food Donation Site

Our pet food donation site volunteers support our objective of collecting pet food and pet supplies. They are working with pet food providers who have agreed to distribute pet food in those communities.

Make a Donation

Your donation can make the lives of these pets a little easier, healthier and have a full belly. Each day is a struggle for the homeless, and their pets have little recourse. We are their voice, and you can be their hero.

Evidence shows that animal companionship is fortifying and contributes to the emotional well-being of people experiencing homelessness, including encouraging owners to obtain sobriety, leave abusive relationships, and avoid incarceration.


Feeding Pets of the Homeless® is a national non-profit that works with businesses and volunteers across the country to collect pet food and supplies for our homeless population that owns pets. Our volunteers help enlist pet food donation sites in their local communities and are advocates for keeping pets and humans together.

We need your compassion and help to continue our work as the homeless situation grows in our country. Becoming a volunteer is easy!

News and Updates

Feeding Pets of the Homeless

Prepare now for year-end tax season…..Did you know that when you retire and take a payment out of a normal IRA, you pay tax on the normal tax rates? Did you also know that when you die, your heirs must pay tax on any IRAs they inherit from you? Also, when you reach age 72, you MUST start taking out Required Minimum Distribution from a regular IRA, whether you need the money or not. Lastly, did you know there is a way to avoid all three of these situations? Consider donating your Required Minimum Distribution to Feeding Pets of the Homeless or designate us as the beneficiary. Talk with your financial advisor and CPA. #petofthehomeless #money #tax #cpa ... See More See Less


Source: https://www.petsofthehomeless.org/

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